Ways to Give

Ways to Give to

Luther Classical College

What does giving to LCC accomplish?

Luther Classical College (LCC) is a world class classical, conservative, and 100% Lutheran institution of higher education. Supported by passionate and generous Lutherans, LCC does not accept federal or state taxpayer funding for any purpose.

Our passion is for genuine Lutheran culture and excellent, Christ-centered education, investing in bold and faithful homes, churches, and communities, now and into the future. Your partnership with LCC accomplishes the same goals as part of the historic movement toward classical Lutheran higher education.

We are pleased to offer you many ways to become a part of Luther Classical College’s mission. Please contact us if you have any questions about the options below.

Donate Online

One-time Gift:

Use our online form as a secure way to make a one-time gift to LCC.


Patron Program:

Please consider making a recurring monthly gift through our Patron Program.


Supporting Congregations:

Supporting congregations are an integral to the present and future faithfulness of Luther Classical College. Please consider supporting LCC through your congregation!


Mail Donations

Make your personal or business check payable to Luther Classical College, and mail it to:

Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement
Luther Classical College
2300 Hickory St
Casper, WY 82604

Free envelopes with postage pre-paid are available in the center fold of each Christian Culture Magazine, which may be available at your church.

Home Sponsorship Program

Grassroots supporters like you are making 3-year pledges to secure LCC’s student housing on campus. Visit the link below to learn how you can make your pledge of $250, $350, or $500 a month today!


Stocks and Mutual Funds

Want to avoid capital gains taxes? Consider giving appreciated stock as an excellent way of advancing our mission.

To transfer securities electronically from a brokerage account, you will need the following information:

Email our Advancement Team to receive our brokerage information: support@lutherclassical.org

On the date of transfer, call (307) 216-5294 for any questions or to request further information.  

IRA Charitable Rollover/QCD

Individuals aged 70 ½ or older may contribute up to $100,000 per year directly from an IRA to a qualified charitable organization, such as Luther Classical College.

Benefits of a Charitable Rollover:

  • Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to LCC
  • May satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year
  • Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions

In order to maximize these benefits, funds must be transferred directly from your IRA to Luther Classical College by your investment manager or account custodian.

How it works:

  1. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us. For verification purposes of LCC’s tax-deductible status, you may provide your administrator LCC’s tax ID: 86-1430466.
  2. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to Luther Classical College to help continue our important work.
  3. Please contact us at (307) 216-5294 you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose.

Estate Gifts/Bequests

If you would like to include Luther Classical College in your estate, here is sample bequest language to share with your attorney:

“I give, devise, and bequeath [Amount or %/remainder of estate] to Luther Classical College, Tax ID 86-1430466, located at 2300 Hickory St, Casper, WY 82604, for general operations or for [other designate purpose].

While most bequests are funded with cash, you may also choose to make a tax-saving estate gift of stock, real or personal property, stock options, or savings bonds.


Some assets result in both estate and income taxation if left to non-spousal beneficiaries (children, grandchildren, etc.). To reduce your tax burden, consider leaving those assets to charitable organizations, such as Luther Classical College.

If you have an IRA, 401(k), life insurance policy, or any other assets not included in your will, you can designate Luther Classical College as a beneficiary and make a generational impact on the future of Lutheran education.

Please contact your plan administrator or custodian for more information and the appropriate change of beneficiary forms.

Real Assets

We can also assist you with a donation of a personal residence, farm, vacation home, commercial property, art collection, personal library, or any other physical object or interest. Please contact us to learn more.

Contact Us

For questions, please call (307) 216-5294 or email support@lutherclassical.org

Mail inquiries can be sent to:

Attn: Office of Institutional Advancement
Luther Classical College
2300 Hickory St
Casper, WY 82604